Meeting Name: Planning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/25/2024 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Harrigan Centennial Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Planning Commission Packet 7.25.24
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
PM 24-08 1A Planning MinutesApprove the June 5, 2024 meeting minutes.   Action details Not available
MISC 24-07 1B P&Z Miscellaneous2023 Annual Short-Term Rental Report   Action details Not available
VAR 24-10 1C VariancesPublic hearing and consideration of a zoning variance request to increase the maximum density and to reduce the required parking at 408 Lake Street in the R-2 multifamily residential district. The property is also known as A Portion of Lot Six (6), Block Nineteen (19), U.S. Survey 1474, Tract A, Townsite of Sitka. The request is filed by Tripp LaRose. The owners of record are Patrick Wilkinson and Kristen Wilkinson.   Action details Not available
VAR 24-11 1D VariancesPublic hearing and consideration of a zoning variance to reduce the north front setback from 14 feet to 10 feet at 318 Eliason Loop in the R-1 single-family and duplex residential district. The property is also known as Lot 5, Block 6, Hillside Subdivision. The request is filed by Frederic and Amy O'Connor. The owners of record are Frederic and Amy O'Connor.   Action details Not available
CUP 24-08 1E Conditional Use PermitsPublic hearing and consideration of a conditional use permit for a bunkhouse at 507 Katlian Avenue in the WD waterfront district. The property is also known as Lot 1A, S.P.C. Subdivision No. 2. The request is filled by Michael Danen Vest. The owner of record is Seafood Producers Cooperative.   Action details Not available
P 23- 04 1F SubdivisionPublic hearing and consideration of a final plat for a minor subdivision resulting in four lots at 2507 Sawmill Creek Road in the R-1 LDMH single-family or duplex low density or single-family low density manufactured home district. The request is filed by Cody Loomis. The owner of record is Cody Loomis.   Action details Not available