| 1 | | | Item | Public Works offers an update | | |
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Not available
| 1 | A | | Correspondence | Calendars and proposed and general correspondence including PW Update | | |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Item | e. Clerk - moving 2nd regular Assembly meeting in May | | |
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Not available
| 1 | A | | Minutes | Approve the minutes of the March 24, 2015 Assembly meeting | APPROVED | |
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Not available
| 1 | B | | Appointment | Reappoint Hans von Rekowski to a term on the Parks and Recreation Committee. | APPROVED | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | C | | Item | Approve liquor license renewal for Van Winkle and Sons | APPROVED ON THE CONSENT AGENDA | |
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Not available
| 1 | D | | Item | Approve reappropriating all unspent harbor bond proceeds to the Sitka Transient Float Project - $197,662.64 + accrued interest | APPROVED | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | E | | Item | Award issuing Troy's Excavation a contract/purchase order, plus contingency for Boomer Property Solid Waste Disposal - $77,600.00 | APPROVED | Pass |
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| 1 | F | | Item | Authorize the procurement to Worthington Products to supply boom for Green Lake Containment, plus shipping and contingency - $99,665.60 | APPROVED | |
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Not available
| 1 | G | | Item | Authorize the disposal of surplus equipment and material remaining from the Blue Lake Hydroelectric Expansion Project | APPROVED | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | H | | Item | Authorize the Municipal Administrator to execute a lease agreement with Aggregate Construction, Inc. for Lease Site #7, located at Granite Creek, encompassing 100,700 sf | APPROVED ON THE CONSENT AGENDA | |
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Not available
ORD 15-14
| 1 | I | | Ordinance | Proposing to clarify the SGC by Amending Title 10 Public Safety and Morals, under Chapter 10.88 Firearms at Section 10.88.020 Prohibitions, Title 13 Port and Harbors, under Chapter 13.13 at Section 13.13.025 Emission of Soot from an Oil Stove In a Vessel, Title 4 Streets and Sidewalks, under Chapter 14.04, at Section 14.04.020 Ice and Snow Removal, Title 15 Public Utilities, under Chapter 15.05 Water System at Section 15.05.400 Cross-Connections, Title 18 Property Acquisition and Disposal, under Chapter 18.08 Personal Property Acquisition and Disposal at Sections 18.04.010 (I) Personal Property Definition and Title 18 Footnote 2 to Correct Statute References, Title 19 Building and Construction, under Chapter 19.01 Building Code at Section 19.01.013 Adoption of Excavation and Grading Standards, Section 19.01.020 Building Permit Fees, Section 19.08.040 Definition of Islands, Title 22 Zoning, Chapter 22.08 Definitions at Section 22.08.585 Manufactured Home, and Section 22.08.590 Mobile Home | APPROVED | |
Action details
Not available
ORD 15-15
| 1 | J | | Ordinance | Proposing to clarify the Sitka General Code by Amending Title 1 General Provisions, at Sections 1.01.010 Adoption, and 1.01.030 Codification Authority to update Alaska Statute References, Amending Title 2, at Sections 2.04.010 Agenda Testimony Time, 2.04.170, Assembly Meeting Time, 02.12.010 Clarifying Physician Members on Hospital Board, 2.40.100 Acceptance of Nomination, 2.40.290 Election Supplies and Equipment, 2.40.300 Instructions to Voters, 2.40.410 Preservation of Ballot After Counting, Title 3, Procurement at Sections 3.16.030 Open Market Procedures, 3.16.060 Exceptions to Competitive Bidding Requirements, 3.16.080 Procurement Monitoring, Title 4, Revenue and Finance in Sections 4.26.165 (A) and 4.26.165 (E) to clarify Alaska Appellate Court Name, in Section 4.28.040 (C) to update the best practices recommendation, in Section 4.44a.010 (B) to remove an incorrectly placed word, and Title 6, Section 6.19.030 (E) Commercial Operations Permit to clarify fee expense | APPROVED | |
Action details
Not available
ORD 15-16
| 1 | K | | Ordinance | Proposing to clarify the SGC by amending Sections 8.04.020 Licensing (Animals), 8.04.080 Objectionable Animals, and 10.52.010 Unlawful Acts (Dangerous Dog) | APPROVED | Pass |
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ORD 15-18
| 1 | L | | Ordinance | Proposing to clarify the SGC by amending Chapter 10.40 Gambling, Section 10.40.010 Prohibited and Loitering Sections, 10.76.020 Definition, and 10.76.030 Prohibited Operations | APPROVED | Pass |
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ORD 15-19
| 1 | M | | Ordinance | Proposing to clarify the SGC by amending Title 10 Public Peace Safety and Morals, Chapter 10.84 Liquor Regulations, at Sections 10.44.010 Liquor Regulations Definition A., 10.44.020 Scopes of Provisions, 10.44.030 License Required, 10.44.060 Persons Forbidden to Have Liquor, and 10.84.010 Definitions | APPROVED | Pass |
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ORD 15-20
| 1 | N | | Ordinance | Proposing to clarify the SGC by Amending Sections Prohibited Vehicles and Loads, Section Width of Vehicles, Section 11.28.010 Traffic Code-Adoption of State Traffic Laws, and Sections 15.05.590 and 15.05.600 Fire Protection Services and Systems | APPROVED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | O | | Item | $25,000 was authorized to be placed into the FY16 Municipal Budget for consideration. It was further requested to bring back the request for any additional funding considerations for "the RIDE" through its coordinating agency Center for Community on April 14 | APPROVED | Pass |
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ORD 15-21
| 1 | P | | Ordinance | Amending SGC that Title 4 Revenue and Finance, at Chapter 4.44 Southeast Alaska Economic Development Fund, under Sections 4.44.010 Establishment and 44.44.050 Procedure for deciding upon applications for loan guarantees | APPROVED | Fail |
Action details
ORD 15-21
| 1 | | | Ordinance | Amending SGC that Title 4 Revenue and Finance, at Chapter 4.44 Southeast Alaska Economic Development Fund, under Sections 4.44.010 Establishment and 44.44.050 Procedure for deciding upon applications for loan guarantees | APPROVED | Pass |
Action details
ORD 15-21
| 1 | | | Ordinance | Amending SGC that Title 4 Revenue and Finance, at Chapter 4.44 Southeast Alaska Economic Development Fund, under Sections 4.44.010 Establishment and 44.44.050 Procedure for deciding upon applications for loan guarantees | | |
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ORD 15-23
| 1 | Q | | Ordinance | Amending the SGC in Title 15 Public Utilities, under Chapter 15.01 Electric Utility Policies, at Section 15.01.020 Electrical Rates, by increasing Electric Rates to fund approved Electrical Utility Capital Projects including the Blue Lake Hydroelectric Expansion Project and establishing an Energy Assistance Fund and an Electric Vehicle Incentive | POSTPONED | Pass |
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ORD 15-17
| 1 | R | | Ordinance | Amending Subsection 15.01.020 of SGC Electrical Rates by increasing electric rates to fund approved Electrical Utility Capital Projects including the Blue Lake Hydroelectric Expansion Project and establishing an Energy Assistance Fund | POSTPONED | Pass |
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ORD 15-22
| 1 | S | | Ordinance | Temporarily Instituting All-Mail-Ballot for Municipal Elections in 2015 and 2016 while Sitka's polling place of Harrigan Centennial Hall undergoes renovation and is inaccessible for voting | APPROVED | Pass |
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| 1 | T | | Item | Approve advertising for bids to construct the Harrigan Centennial Hall Renewal Project in accordance with the project funding outlined in the April 6, 2015 attached memorandum | APPROVED | Pass |
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| 1 | U | | Item | CONVENE as the Board of Adjustment: Approve a conditional use permit submitted by Kristopher and Erica Pearson at Lot 15, Block 1, Middle Island Subdivision year round short-term rental with conditions | APPROVED | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Item | CONVENE as the Board of Adjustment: Approve a conditional use permit submitted by Kristopher and Erica Pearson at Lot 15, Block 1, Middle Island Subdivision year round short-term rental with conditions | | |
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| 1 | V | | Item | Discussion/Direction on the methods of publishing Assembly and other municipal agendas | | |
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| 1 | W | | Item | Discussion/Direction on the City and Borough of Sitka Budget Balancing Options | | |
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