| 1 | | | Item | Reminders, Calendars, and General Correspondence | | |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Item | 1) Sitka Tribe of Alaska Tribal Council - Yeidikook’áa Dionne Brady-Howard
2) Sitka School Board - Phil Burdick
3) Department Quarterly Report - Police Department | | |
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Not available
| 1 | A | | Item | Approve a liquor license renewal application for Allen Marine Tours, Inc. at Lot 6, Finn Island | | |
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| 1 | B | | Item | Appoint: Steve Johnson to a three-year term on the Historic Preservation Commission and Reappoint: 1) Sandra Fontaine to a three-year term on the Library Commission, and 2) Tamy Stevenson to a three-year term on the Port and Harbors Commission | | |
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ORD 25-05
| 1 | C | | Ordinance | Setting a special election on May 28, 2025 and submitting a question to the qualified voters to limit cruise visitation in Sitka and add Title 25 "Tourism" to Sitka General Code | | |
Not available
| 1 | D | | Item | Discussion / Decision on the Gary Paxton Industrial Park Haul Out and Shipyard Operations | | |
Not available
| 1 | E | | Item | Consideration of an appeal filed by Ryan Nichols of the Planning Commission's decision made February 19, 2025, regarding case file P 24-04, a request for a preliminary plat for a minor subdivision resulting in two lots at 305 Islander Drive in the SFLD single-family low density residential district. The property is also known as Lot Five (5), Harris Island Subdivision. The owner of record is Randall G. Nichols Revocable Trust. PULLED - tentatively rescheduled to May 13, 2025 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | F | | Item | Adopt the 2025 Parks and Recreation Facility Fee Schedule | | |
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Not available
| 1 | G | | Item | Discussion / Direction / Decision to provide a Letter of Support and In-Kind Staff Support for ALFA's Climate Smart Community Initiative Grant application | | |
Not available
| 1 | G | | Item | Discussion / Direction / Decision to provide a Letter of Support and In-Kind Staff Support for ALFA's Climate Smart Community Initiative Grant application | | |
Not available